1. Enable Report Fields
  2. Create New Report Fields
  3. Edit or Delete Existing Report Fields

Enable Report Fields

Report fields are only available on the Control plan. You cannot create these report fields directly in Expensify if you are connected to an accounting integration (QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, Intacct, Xero, or NetSuite). Please refer to the relevant article for instructions on creating fields within that system.

If you are not connected to an accounting integration, workspace Admins can add additional required report fields that allow you to specify header-level details like specific project names, business trip information, locations, and more.

Enable Report Fields

To enable report fields on a Workspace:

  1. Click Settings in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces from the left-hand menu
  3. Select the Workspace you want to enable Report Fields for
  4. Go to More Features and toggle on Report Fields

If you are not already on a Control plan, you will be prompted to upgrade

Create New Report Fields

To create new Report Fields:

  1. Click Settings in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces from the left-hand menu
  3. Select the Workspace you want to create Report Fields on
  4. Click Report Fields on the lefthand menu (if you do not see this option, enable Report Fields by following the Enable Report Fields process above this)
  5. Click “Add Field” in the top right corner
  6. Click “Name” and add a name your your Report Field
  7. Click “Type” to select the Report Field type; you will have the following options:
    • Text - Add a field for free-text input
    • Date - Add a calendar for date selection
    • List - Add a list of options to choose from
      • To create values for your list, click List Vales > Add Values
  8. Once you have added a Name and the Type, click Save at the bottom of the page

Edit or Delete Existing Report Fields

To edit or delete existing report fields Report Fields:

  1. Click Settings in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces from the left-hand menu
  3. Select the Workspace you want to edit Report Fields on
  4. Click Report Fields on the lefthand menu
  5. Click the Report Field you wish to edit or delete
  6. Make the required edits in the right-hand panel, or select “Delete”

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